Homeseer speaker client issues
Homeseer speaker client issues

You may need to vary your communication style depending on your client’s cultural background and / or English language proficiency. If they struggle to make eye contact, for example, this might be a mark of respect within their culture, as opposed to what one might assume is shyness or inhibition. It also extends to the handling of certain topics for example illness, domestic violence or death may be discussed or thought of differently depending on your culture.īe sure to take into consideration your client’s cultural sensitivities, and be particularly attuned to non-verbal communications such as body language. This includes more than just our speech (speed and tempo of delivery) and use of language (terminology, abbreviations and slang). More than how we speak, our communication style is a big contributing factor to how effectively we are engaging our clients.

homeseer speaker client issues

“It is important to be aware of your own values, beliefs, expectations and cultural practices, and consider how these impact on your responses, interactions and service provision to people from cultures different from your own.” It is important to recognise that these communication habits may not be appropriate when interacting with those from diverse cultural backgrounds, or non-English speakers. And this lends itself to a kind of shorthand communication style, in which waving someone away while you’re on a phone call is not taken personally. It is human nature for us to make assumptions about others based on the dominant cultural, social and behavioural traits that we and those around us exhibit. This applies to people as well as shapes. In Gestalt Theory our brains group things together to make them easier to understand. We are psychologically predisposed to consider those outside our “tribe” as the other, and according to Gestalt theory we tend towards the formation of stereotypes or archetypes. Within that framework, staff members bring individual value systems, beliefs and cultural habits. Most service providers operate within the framework of their cultural ideology – which for most of us is primarily Anglo Australian. There is no doubt that taking some time to build awareness around the issues culturally diverse non-English speakers face will be invaluable to for you, and your organisation.ġ – Be Aware of Your Own Communication Style There can also be cultural misfires (no, not everyone celebrates Christmas, and who’s New Year are we celebrating this month?), unwanted handshakes, misunderstood social conventions (unexpected double cheek kisses) and unintended confusion. They are at a distinct disadvantage in the areas of health literacy and social cohesion as a consequence of their language disparities.

homeseer speaker client issues

Research suggests that non-English speakers are often left stranded, finding it difficult to access services like health and welfare, struggling to comprehend the jargon and terminology used by professionals. But just as our society has woken up over recent years to how these habits and behaviours may affect others who we interact with, it is equally important to include a consideration for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse customers in this re-examination.


Most of us are time poor, and our learned and habitual professional behaviours and social instincts may be hard to shake, but they generally serve us well.

homeseer speaker client issues

For organisations and businesses this is exceedingly important when speaking with our culturally diverse, non-English speaking customers. For effective communication it’s best to leave judgements, presumptions and assumptions at the door.

Homeseer speaker client issues